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Product knowledge
[Product knowledge] The basic parameters of sublimation printing and printing method update:18-04-12
Sketch: Printing is the sublimation transfer printing technology, a pigment or dye printing on paper, rubbe
[Product knowledge] How to correctly check the sequence of the failure of the spray head of a photo machine update:18-04-12
Sketch: As we all know, the nozzle is the core of Wuteng's photo machine, so its value is not bad. How to
[Product knowledge] Three factors affecting the printing quality of the spray painting equipment update:18-04-12
Sketch:Because digital printing technology can use digital patterns, through computer color measurement, co
[Product knowledge] The advantages of heat sublimation printing update:18-04-12
Sketch: The advantages of heat sublimation printing(1) no water, no sewage;(2) a short process, after that
[Product knowledge] Printing process of sublimation printing update:18-04-12
Sketch: Printing process of sublimation printingTransfer printing is divided into wet, dry, steam, vacuum
[Product knowledge] What are the differences between computer package and ordinary computer package? update:18-04-12
Sketch: Now the offices of big cities are staffs and a laptop computer. They go home on duty. In particular
[Product knowledge] Sublimation transfer printing fade easily? How much is the washing fastness grade? update:18-04-12
Sketch: Sublimation transfer printing fade easily? How much is the washing fastness grade?This is a bette
[Product knowledge] How to print the elastic band and how to use it? update:18-04-12
Sketch: A printing factory that can be printed on the surface of a rubber bandOur company can print on the
[Product knowledge] What is the transfer printing of wet process? Is it the same way of printing with cold transfer prin update:18-04-12
Sketch: The so-called wet transfer printing is to moisten the fabric first and then combine the fabric with
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