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Industry news
[Industry news] Professionals tell you how to choose a high quality photo machine update:18-04-12
Sketch: Professionals tell you how to choose a high quality photo machine2017 Shanghai international advert
[Industry news] Play "Chinese painting" directly on the Xuan paper update:18-04-12
Sketch: Can you print 'real' Chinese painting 2LK China design online creative design portal?2LK China desi
[Industry news] The market demand of digital printing machine is increasing year by year update:18-04-12
Sketch: According to statistics, in 2011, the number of all kinds of digital inkjet printing machines in C
[Industry news] What are the processes for small batch printing? update:18-04-12
Sketch: Clothing printing has hot stamping (machine + ready-made pattern heat after heating print to clothe
[Industry news] The production of digital printing has really realized the production process of small batch and qui update:18-04-12
Sketch:Because the digital production process is fully computerized, the production flexibility is greatly
[Industry news] Digital printing changes the visual and psychological aesthetics of fashion printing. update:18-04-12
Sketch: Digital printing changes the visual and psychological aesthetics of clothing prints, although the
[Industry news] What kind of cloth is best in Japanese kimono and how to print it? update:18-04-12
Sketch: Classification, weaving and printing technology of kimono fabric in Japan.A hand woven and woven we
[Industry news] The game animation made of digital printing pillow update:18-04-12
Sketch:The game animation made pillows have been the most popular around the product. Virtual animation gam
[Industry news] Digital printing has become the key project of energy conservation and environmental protection update:18-04-12
Sketch: The technology of digital printing, small bath ratio dyeing, biological desizing refining, cleanin
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