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The basic parameters of sublimation printing and printing method
Source:本站 Clicks:1154  Update time:2018/4/12 11:27:23

Printing is the sublimation transfer printing technology, a pigment or dye printing on paper, rubber or other carrier,
Four color + special color roller paper printing
Four color + special color roller paper printing
According to the above requirements, transfer paper should meet the following criteria.
The hygroscopicity of 40--100g/ square meters
Tearing strength is about 100kg/5x20cm
Air permeability 500---2000l/min
The weight of 60--70g/ square meters
PH value 4.5--5.5
Dirt does not exist
The transfer paper is best made of needle - leaf wood pulp. Chemical pulp and mechanical pulp produce more than half of the pulp. It can guarantee the colored paper in high temperature treatment is not crisp, yellow.
Six, decal printing method
Printing method editing
Decal printing is the color ink by printing and screen printing, the printing pattern to the machining process on the transfer paper. At present, most of transfer printing paper is printed by printing. Printing method paper rotogravure printing method, printing method and lithographic printing method and screen printing method four. Printed paper by printing, gravure printing to the most widely. Transfer printing Decal Screen printing method is suitable for the small quantity and variety of printed paper, and can be made in printing and dyeing factory. Has the characteristics of low cost, high speed, colour and simple operation. However, because of the use of water-soluble ink, the screen printing method is not good in the stereoscopic sense and outline of the pattern on the flower paper, and the pattern is coarser, so it can not play the characteristics of the transfer printing pattern.

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