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How to correctly check the sequence of the failure of the spray head of a photo machine
Source:本站 Clicks:1186  Update time:2018/4/12 11:28:58

As we all know, the nozzle is the core of Wuteng's photo machine, so its value is not bad. How to check and exclude the failure of the printer?
When we use Wuteng photo machine, if the sprinkler can not be out of ink, do not think about replacing the sprinkler first, to check it well, judge whether the sprinkler is burned, do not blindly replace the sprinkler, waste money. There are many factors that may cause the nozzle to not print. Only if we check it briefly, we can identify the actual situation of the printer.
First of all, when the nozzle is not out of ink, remove the sprinkler head first. Be careful when taking down the sprinkler. Do not scratch the surface of the sprinkler. After taking off the sprinkler, you can use a paper towel or towel without fur and gently dip it on the surface of the sprinkler to see if there is any ink exudation. If there is no ink exudation, it is possible to re clean the sprinkler head, and it may be the grating out of the photo machine or the damaged and deformed contact of the small frame. At that time, it is necessary to determine where the reason is, and repair or replace parts normally.
If the above method can not exclude the nozzle problem, we can first check the other parts of the photo machine, first look at the ink box in the ink is not enough, whether the ink tube leakage or breakage phenomenon; and again, check the ink capsule is broken. If the photo machine accessories are not problems, then the user can clean the sprinkler first many times, then make the printing precision pattern high, and then print the test to see if it can be printed properly. If it can be printed properly, it is indicated that there is some damage to the nozzle, but it can be used normally if the high precision mode is printed. If the fruit is still not print normally, it means that a color nozzle is burned out and can't continue to use, so it needs to be replaced.

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