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How to reduce the amount of film mulching and save cost
Source:本站 Clicks:1142  Update time:2018/4/12 11:43:29

No matter what project, cost is the problem that must be considered, Wuteng photo machine picture hit, how to reduce the amount of film when film mulching, it should be said that many people have not carefully thought about this problem, because the amount of membrane and the picture is related, how many pictures overlay the film, how to reduce it, this can directly reduce the number of people The cost of production. Technology wins the future, innovation keeps youth, with high quality products, enthusiastic service and independent innovation, striving diligently for the creation of the national brand of portraying machine machine. Pragmatism, integrity, innovation and win win, Xincai people are willing to create a better tomorrow together with you. Try the following way together.
1. the products to be constructed must be straight. We must deal with the uneven paper with "lotus leaf edge" and "tight edge" phenomenon. "Lotus leaf" paper can be roasted, and "tight side" paper can be hung and hung.
2. must be dry before the imprinted film, otherwise it will cause blistering or galling phenomenon.
3., we should also pay attention to the direction of paper thread when laminating, especially thick paper, so as to reduce the phenomenon of curling caused by rolling and stretching. And that is: the temperature is normally controlled at 40~60. Too high temperature will make the paper and thin film deform, causing the product to curl, but not too low, otherwise it will cause the viscosity is not enough. The temperature of the copperplate paper should be a little lower than the offset paper.
4., as far as printing machine is concerned, spray powder should be as little as possible, otherwise it will cause bubbles in the powder store. In the film before the dusting off, print many of the clothes can be hanging to print less powder, can be constructed to wipe.

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