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Industry news
The market demand of digital printing machine is increasing year by year
Source:本站 Clicks:1121  Update time:2018/4/12 11:49:36

According to statistics, in 2011, the number of all kinds of digital inkjet printing machines in China was about 700, which is 3.3 times that of 2008. In 2011, the national digital inkjet printing amount was 140 million meters, accounting for 0.86% of the total amount of printing. Compared with the number of digital ink-jet printing in 2008, the total amount of printing was 40 million meters, and the total amount of printing was 0.33% compared with the total amount of printing.
From the statistics, we can see that the proportion of digital inkjet printing fabric in China's textile printing industry is very small, accounting for less than 1% of the total printing volume. Unlike domestic conditions, the number of digital printing machines abroad is much larger. Foreign authoritative research reports predict that in 2009 ~2014, the annual compound growth rate of the global textile digital printing machine can reach 23.1%.
The research on digital ink-jet printing in China started relatively late, and the relevant research reports were not appeared until 1990s, but this is only limited to the exploratory research of some scientific research institutes. In the future development, we should pay attention to the use and innovation of digital printing machine, and let this technology integrate into our printing industry and be used by us.
Most printing and dyeing enterprises are facing great pressure of energy saving and emission reduction. The advantages of digital printing are beginning to appear. The figures show that about 30% of the amount of dye used in printing with traditional printing equipment can not be combined with fiber and is washed away in water washing. The digital printing process uses ink direct injection technology, the amount of dye is only about 40% of the traditional dye, and only 5% of the ink is washed away in the post processing. The amount of pollution is only 1/15-1/25 of the traditional printing process. The digital printing machine has the advantages of convenience, shortcut and environmental protection, and the demand for printing has increased year by year.

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