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What is the difference between transfer printing and water printing?
Source:本站 Clicks:1780  Update time:2018/4/12 11:56:02

What is the difference between transfer printing and water printing?
Transfer printing has sublimation method, swimming shift method, melting method and ink layer stripping method. Sublimation transfer printing technology is the most mature. Fabric transfer printing is a mechanism that uses disperse dyes to produce sublimation and can be dyed on fabrics with gaseous dyes. This mechanism is used to develop transfer printing technology. The method is to print the pattern on the type paper by printing, and then fold the printed paper and fabric to the printing place to make the flower surface and fabric tighten. Close to connect, and then hot pressed, so that the pattern is transferred to printed fabric. Transfer printing has little tension and no need for thermosetting, water washing and drying after printing. It will not deform the knitted fabric after printing.

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